Untapped (Great Minds Thriller, #1)
M.C. Soutter

alternate cover edition of ASIN: B003RITJSQ

Melissa Hartman has genius locked inside of her, and so do you. The question is: what kind of genius? The awesome potential of the human mind is an incredible thing, but it is also a very dangerous thing.

After several years of neurology research on autistics and children, Dartmouth psychology professor Frederick Carlisle has made a startling discovery. With a custom-made device and a simple set of steps, he can unlock fantastic mental abilities in his test subjects. But the brain is a delicate, complicated piece of equipment, and side-effects are inevitable; when one part of the brain ramps up, another will inevitably shut down…

Charcot’s Genius is part one of the Great Minds series. It is the story of two very different people: an asylum inmate who is haunted by memories of the murder they say he committed, and a self-possessed first-year Dartmouth student who is trying to escape a small town and a destructive father. Both grapple with the effects of Professor Carlisle’s treatment, and both discover powers of thought they never imagined possible. But while our Dartmouth first-year simply hopes to lead a normal life, the asylum inmate is out for revenge. He blames Carlisle for his condition and his imprisonment, and soon he will make his return to the Dartmouth campus.

Professor Carlisle has some explaining to do.

Untapped (Great Minds Thriller, #1) book cover

I got the order of these books confused and started reading the next one in the series first, which absolutely hooked me and meant I dashed back off to buy the first one second so I could carry on reading book 2 whilst fully informed. The writing flows superbly, the characterization is impeccable and the whole idea of the work is unaccountably wonderful.

there was a huge emphasis on Melissa and of course a lot left to answer, it’s clear that, although this episode is over, there’s more to come.

Published by Sean Randall

I am an avid reader, technologist and disability advocate living in the middle of England with my wife, daughter and pets.

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