Undetectable (Great Minds Thriller, #2)
M.C. Soutter

You could learn more, do more, even live more. The potential is there. You could be anything: an engineer, a doctor, a chemist…

Or one of the most lethal Secret Service agents on the planet.

Undetectable is the story of Kevin Brooks, the first test subject of a new and unproven neurological technique called scrubbing. A private-school teacher in Manhattan, he has just landed a brand new job. It’s the most important, most dangerous job he’ll ever have.

He just doesn’t know about it yet.

Kevin will soon be in charge of protecting the greatest computer scientist of our generation. This man is on the verge of a breakthrough that could change all of our lives, and he already has 24-hour protection from the United States Secret Service. There are people who want this scientist dead, and these people know how to pick their moments. Which is why the man will soon be the beneficiary of a new kind of protector, an undetectable protector.

Now, in the second book of the Great Minds series, Kevin Brooks will be put through every imaginable test. He will have less than two weeks to prepare, but several years of training to absorb.

Whether he is ready in time or not, there will be lives that need saving. And no one else who can do the job.

Undetectable (Great Minds Thriller, #2) book cover

We’ve had our fair share of “waking up without a memory” stories here at my shelf, of course. Ludlum’s The Bourne Identity, Follett’s Code to Zero and, more recently, Doug Richards Mind’s Eye. This title doesn’t quite fit the mould, as the memory loss is a gap rather than the guy’s life, but the technique is there.

The story was superbly spun, and even though we know a little of the background of the technology from Soutter’s previous, it’s a refreshing enough take on the first book that we want to keep reading to find out what happens. It is, of course, a huge leap of faith to imagine scrubbing works in precisely such a way and that the whole thing would fall into place as neatly as it did, but that’s just part of the fun.

Morality and legality aside, it was an intense read with a great deal of buildup and a most enjoyable climax. I eagerly wait to see where the author goes in future works.

Published by Sean Randall

I am an avid reader, technologist and disability advocate living in the middle of England with my wife, daughter and pets.

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