The String Diaries (The String Diaries, #1)
Stephen Lloyd Jones

The String Diaries Hardcover StephenJones MulhollandBooks

The String Diaries (The String Diaries, #1) book cover

I utterly and totally devoured this book. Its poetic, delightfully heartfelt prose struck a chord with me, and I enjoyed the writing and the story in equal measure.

The tension was remarkable, and as the story bounced from viewpoint to viewpoint, generation to generation and evildoer to harrowed, fleeing family I found myself riveted. Chapters seemed to climb, escalating emotion in me and there were several moments where my adrenaline spiked, I got that strange, swooping over-a-cliff feeling in my stomach (I think the biggest one, for reference, was in chapter 25).

This is my third 5 star book in a row, but for a different reason to the others. Ben Elton’s book was a very good time travel story and provided an excellent interpretation of The Great War, and Jeff Strand’s humorous horror was, to quote a friend, “very very disgusterous but really cool”. This book, for all that it’s a play on the mythological bogeyman and a powerful, cautionary revenge story has that quality of writing which catapults itself into a very exclusive, sinfully enjoyable position. More, Mr Jones, please.

Published by Sean Randall

I am an avid reader, technologist and disability advocate living in the middle of England with my wife, daughter and pets.

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