The Magic Fart (Pornucopia, #2)
Piers Anthony

The long awaited sequel to Pornucopia!

Picking up where Pornucopia left off, our hero Prior Gross receives word that his ideal woman, which he never knew existed, is in trouble! Off he goes to the Land of Fartingale where farts are magic!

The Magic Fart (Pornucopia, #2) book cover

I turn 28 years old this year, yet the words “The Magic Fart” cannot but help cause an inner chuckle. anthony writes, in his author’s note: “Close to half my life passed between the novels; could I still write as effectively as a senior citizen?” (Pornacopia was written in 1970). I think the answer is yes, it’s got as much going for it as its predecessor. Dave Duncan is also incredibly able to craft sex scenes and he’s in his 80’s.

Published by Sean Randall

I am an avid reader, technologist and disability advocate living in the middle of England with my wife, daughter and pets.

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