Survival (Star Trek: The Next Generation – Starfleet Academy, #3)
Peter David

Rescue Overdue
Deadly space raiders have destroyed the colony on Dantar. Now stranded on this remote planet, surrounded by the burning fires of the abandoned colony, Worf, his friends from Starfleet Academy, and cadets from the Klingon Empire fight to survive. They face harsh weather, low supplies, and hidden dangers.

As suspicion between the Klingon and Starfleet cadets grows, the camp quickly becomes a battleground, with Worf right in the middle.

But Worf and the others soon realize they are not alone as they face a mysterious and dangerous alien warrior. Klingons and humans now must unite and work together before their first mission in deep space becomes their last…

Survival (Star Trek: The Next Generation - Starfleet Academy, #3) book cover

Not a surprising end to the story, enjoyable nevertheless. I would appreciate a change of cadet now, though, as too much of one bunch can seem a little taxing.

Published by Sean Randall

I am an avid reader, technologist and disability advocate living in the middle of England with my wife, daughter and pets.

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