More Fool Me (Memoir, #3)
Stephen Fry

Following on from his hugely successful books, Moab is My Washpot and The Fry Chronicles, comes the third chapter in Stephen Fry’s life.

This unabridged, downloadable audiobook edition of More Fool Me is performed by Stephen Fry himself.

More Fool Me (Memoir, #3) book cover

This is, as a reviewer rightly pointed out, a book of 2 halves. There’s the wonderful on-form Fry of the opening section, and then we get a glimpse, practically unexpurgated it would seem, of a diary he maintained as his cocaine habit reasserted itself.

This book does hold all the hallmarks of a Fry work – wit, charm, a certain ineffable stamp of Stephenness, and continues in the trend of self-effacing brutal honesty Fry began in Moab all those years ago. Yet it has moved on, and although I found it enjoyable, I think I value his younger days more. Poppycock, you say, value him as he is now. Value him for the things he’s done you love (Rowling’s readings, his radio work, etc). And I do, I really, really do, were I able to give him my opinion of him it would be that he is someone I can wallow in: his personality and voice and stream of thought and word bathe me in a soothing, comforting wash and I am again reminded of the man’s power and warmth whilst maintaining an awareness of his Humanity, his fallibility and, what i am sure he would call his normality. But those early, early days, his childhood, seeds something great and there’s so much there to discover, each and every time I reread Moab I come away with something new. it is, to me, an inexhaustible book, a book which tells the same overall story but seems to impart small details afresh each time. This one hasn’t done that yet for me. perhaps it will, years down the path, or perhaps it’s just a title I’ll pick up later on in life to reacquaint myself with. what a muddled, hodgepodge of a review. Sorry, folks.c

Published by Sean Randall

I am an avid reader, technologist and disability advocate living in the middle of England with my wife, daughter and pets.

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