Eliot Peper

This is a story about two spies locked in a room with a gun.

This is a story about how semiconductors are refactoring 21st century geopolitics.

This is a story about the greatest of games, the game that subsumes all other games, the only game that really power.

This is a story about finding yourself before they find you.

This story is a trap.

Foundry book cover

“It’s strange how the world can turn on dimes this banal. If history had any sense of propriety, exciting things would happen in exciting settings, preferably scored by John Williams.”

I got into this eventually, although trying to read whilst a lot of festive things happens around one with a story of such breathtakingly short chapters with so cleverly put-together words is a struggle. I’ve enjoyed Peper’s other works a lot and getting into the mindspace of the lead proved a bit of a jump here, but I’m very glad I did and am ready to pick up more of the books to see where things go, or have been. I caught the nod to Reap3r and found this a clever noir look into Peper’s world.

Published by Sean Randall

I am an avid reader, technologist and disability advocate living in the middle of England with my wife, daughter and pets.

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