Fortunate Son: A Novel of the Greatest Trial in Irish History
David Marlett

NATIONAL BESTSELLERMeet James Annesley, son of 18th Century Ireland. Though you may have never heard his name before, his story has already touched you in profound ways. Now, for the first time, novelist David Marlett brings that incredible story to life.Stretching from the dirty streets of Ireland to the endless possibilities of Colonial America, from drama on the high seas with the Royal Navy to a life-and-death race across England and up the Scottish Highlands, from the prospect of a hangman’s noose to a fate decided in the halls of justice, Fortunate Son is a powerful, relentless epic. Here nobility, duels, love, courage, revenge, honor, and treachery among family, friends and ancient enemies abound. And at its center is the most momentous trial in Irish history – the trial of Annesley v. Anglesea from which our modern “attorney/client privilege” was forged, and our concept of a “jury of one’s peers” was put to the test. Carefully researched, vividly evoked, and lovingly brought to the page, Fortunate Son is an unforgettable work of fiction based on fact, one that will resonate deep within you long after you finish it.

Fortunate Son: A Novel of the Greatest Trial in Irish History book cover

I saw this at a ridiculously low price last week and snapped it up. It was very well constructed, the trial transcripts and quotations served well to remind us that although written as fiction there’s a lot of truth in the story. For all that, the story itself flows along beautifully and was a pleasure to read. I am looking forward to the author’s next, coming “late 2014”.

Published by Sean Randall

I am an avid reader, technologist and disability advocate living in the middle of England with my wife, daughter and pets.

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