Feedback (First Contact)
Peter Cawdron

Twenty years ago, a UFO crashed into the Yellow Sea off the Korean Peninsula. The only survivor was a young English-speaking child, captured by the North Koreans. Two decades later, a physics student watches his girlfriend disappear before his eyes, abducted from the streets of New York by what appears to be the same UFO. Feedback will carry you from the desolate, windswept coastline of North Korea to the bustling streets of New York and on into the depths of space as you journey to the outer edge of our solar system looking for answers.

Feedback (First Contact) book cover

Though I really enjoyed the first two strands of the story and how they wove together, the final segment was a touch too transhuman for me to get my head around completely. It was an intriguing story, well-written and interesting and I think I’ll seriously have to consider reading another from Cawdron to get more of his style.

Published by Sean Randall

I am an avid reader, technologist and disability advocate living in the middle of England with my wife, daughter and pets.

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