Alastair Reynolds

From the master of the space opera comes a dark, mind-bending adventure spread across time and space, where Doctor Silas Coade is tasked with keeping his crew safe as they adventure across the galaxy in search of a mysterious artifact.

In the 1800s, a sailing ship crashes off the coast of Norway. In the 1900s, a Zepellin explores an icy canyon in Antarctica. In the far future, a spaceship sets out for an alien artifact. Each excursion goes horribly wrong. And on every journey, Dr. Silas Coade is the physician, but only Silas seems to realize that these events keep repeating themselves. And it’s up to him to figure out why and how. And how to stop it all from happening again.

Eversion book cover

Wow. I was totally on the wrong track with this, despite plenty of clues. Intriguingly unfolded from start to finish and with a twist I should have seen coming but delightfully didnt, I gratefully devoured this book in a few short hours thanks to Michael’s recommendation. Reynolds isn’t a new name to me, but I can’t recall reading anything of his before for some reason. IF this is any indication of the standard, I’ve seriously been missing out.

Published by Sean Randall

I am an avid reader, technologist and disability advocate living in the middle of England with my wife, daughter and pets.

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