Guy Portman

This young sociopath is a chip off the old block.

Teenager Horatio hates his mother’s boyfriend, and there is nothing his long-suffering single mum or half-sister can do about it. The tension soon boils over into school when he attacks the class bully.

While suspended, Horatio has plenty of time to plot revenge against the man he holds responsible for all his problems. It won’t take the adventurous adolescent long to stumble across a depraved and degrading solution.

Now all he needs to do is keep deceiving the psychiatrist and wait for an opportunity to strike.

This suspenseful story will appeal to aficionados of psychological fiction and darkly humorous crime.

Emergence book cover

Oh, yes! Sublime! He’s grown up, and far from learning how to say table, he’s eyeing up bodies to rest on one!

The previous trilogy was macabre, and it worked. I’m so thrilled to have another character taking up the baton. Horatio is so very much his father’s son, with a delightfully young naivety to grow out of and he’s a dab-hand with a screw driver already. Excellent!

Published by Sean Randall

I am an avid reader, technologist and disability advocate living in the middle of England with my wife, daughter and pets.

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