Dying Memories
Dave Zeltserman

A woman shoots a man to death on a crowded street in Boston, claiming that he raped and murdered her eleven-year old daughter. Except he didn’t, because this woman never had a daughter. Another man stabs an MIT professor to death in front of a crowd in Harvard Square, saying that he witnessed the professor running down his wife in the street. Except the MIT professor was three thousand miles away when the man’s wife was killed.

Reporter Bill Conway discovers that these victims are connected to ViGen Corporation, a shadowy pharmaceutical company. When he tries to investigate ViGen Corporation and their role in these deaths, he soon finds himself framed for murder. And that turns out to be the least of his problems…

An intense thriller for our times that mixes the best of Michael Crichton and James Patterson.

Dying Memories book cover

This was enjoyable enough, although one does wonder at the author’s range of dialogue when the phrase “I’d like that” turns up 4 times between the same 2 people less than a tenth of the way into the book. Still, the idea was explored interestingly enough.

Published by Sean Randall

I am an avid reader, technologist and disability advocate living in the middle of England with my wife, daughter and pets.

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