Going Grey
Karen Traviss

An all-original near-future military thriller from the #1 New York Times bestselling author!

Who do you think you are? Ian Dunlap doesn’t know. When he looks in the mirror, he’s never sure if he’ll see a stranger. After years of isolation, thinking he’s crazy, he discovers he’s the product of an illegal fringe experiment in biotechnology that enables him to alter his appearance at will. And the only people he can trust to help him find out who and what he is are two former soldiers trying to make their way in the high-stakes world of private security. He’s got a unique and disturbing skill: they can help him to harness it—and maybe even learn to accept it. Set ten years from today, these three unlikely allies search for identity and loyalty in an uncertain world.

Going Grey book cover

This was almost superb, but the strange first-person asides coupled with the extreme good nature of everyone (everybody good is very good) grated some. An interesting idea, and it’d be intriguing to see where it goes.

Published by Sean Randall

I am an avid reader, technologist and disability advocate living in the middle of England with my wife, daughter and pets.

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