Debut for a Spy
Harry Currie

David Baird learned to fly in the Canadian Army. Now the former career officer is an up-and-coming singer in 1962 Britain. Talented, self-assured, Baird’s life is going according to plan, and he’s in control. Or so he thinks.

Engaged to sing at the Soviet Embassy, British Intelligence enlist his covert assistance. He just has to keep his eyes and ears open. Or so they say.

This complex international intrigue thrusts Baird into the middle of a plot — a Soviet attempt to sabotage Britain’s development of a vertical-take-off jet fighter. A missing list of names, critical to U.S. oil negotiations and sought by both the CIA and KGB, draws Baird deeper and deeper into a quicksand of espionage, deceit and death.

A confrontation with a sadistic KGB assassin in Paris, a desperate escape across France and Belgium, a Soviet-crewed cruise ship steaming toward Odessa with a mysterious cargo, a beautiful Soviet liaison officer hiding her dark secrets — the threads all come together in a dramatic dual in the skies over the Atlantic and in a remote, deep-cover Soviet safe-house on Britain’s south coast used for interrogation and depraved sex-sting operations.

Set into authentic backgrounds in a seamless blend of fact and fiction, Debut for a Spy weaves a rich tapestry of David Baird’s music into a tangled web which alters forever the course of his life.

In this sensational first novel author Harry Currie catapults into the ranks of the world’s finest thriller writers. A master of high drama, he twists together parallel plots of action, romance, mystery, technology, sex, and surprise after surprise.

Debut for a Spy book cover

This was very british, for all its Canadian overtones. I really got into the story and, even with the obvious Russian love interest and the rather trashy lyrics dotted arouned it kept my interest.

Published by Sean Randall

I am an avid reader, technologist and disability advocate living in the middle of England with my wife, daughter and pets.

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