Witches (The Cross-Worlds Coven Series, #1)
Phil Stern

Alternate Cover Edition for B005IL1T4M.

When it comes to magic, women have always been in control. Until now.

For centuries, only gifted young women have been able to wield magic, using their special talents to protect those in need.

But a powerful wizard has appeared, attacking empowered women across multiple worlds.

A young Terran-based sorceress, the strongest of her generation, must find and stop the magical madman before he can bend the Coven to his depraved will. Along the way, she must also confront doubts about the role her fellow witches may have played in her own family’s demise.

Witches (The Cross-Worlds Coven Series, #1) book cover

Not an overly spectacular work, but with enough thematic interest for me to not be able to rule out picking up the next. Womany, not that that’s a bad thing in itself.

Published by Sean Randall

I am an avid reader, technologist and disability advocate living in the middle of England with my wife, daughter and pets.

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