Towards Yesterday
Paul Antony Jones

What would you do if you suddenly found yourself twenty-five years in the past? For the nine-billion people of the year 2042 it’s no longer a question … it is a reality. This is a hidden gem that would be a pure shame to miss. Toward Yesterday is an apocalyptic, science fiction thriller, that kept me sneaking away to read my Kindle for the entire Memorial Day weekend. Engrossing, thought-provoking, filled with lasting, vivid imagery…the story gripped me early, and didn’t let go. 

If you like post-apocalyptic books, you will thoroughly enjoy this one. The scenes surrounding the “event” are worth the price of admission alone. Some of the best apocalyptic imagery and action I have ever read. For a first time author, this is an impressive accomplishment, and for a self-published title, it contains few, if any, grammar or typo errors. You will not regret purchasing this book.”
~ Steven Konkoly, author of The Jakarta Pandemic ~ Word 74,000

When a seemingly simple experiment goes disastrously wrong, James Baston finds himself stranded alongside the rest of mankind, twenty-five years in the past. A past where the old are once more young, the dead live and the world has been thrust into chaos.

Contacted by the scientist responsible for the disaster, James is recruited to help avert an even greater catastrophe. Along with a team of scientists, a reincarnated murder victim and a frustrated genius trapped in her six-year old body, James must stop the certain extinction of humanity. But if the deluded leader of the Church of Second Redemption has his way, humanity will disappear into potentiality, and he is willing to do anything to ensure that happens.

A serial killer, a murder victim, a dead priest, and James’ lives are all inextricably bound together as they plummet towards an explosive final confrontation, the winner of which will decide the fate of humanity.

Towards Yesterday book cover

A good concept, and I have never seen the word redolent in a fiction novel before. Nonetheless I found it hard to follow this thing in places; it seemed to leap about without much reason behind it. I’d expect something brilliant with this idea, the sort of thing Robert J. Sawyer would give justice to. Sadly, not a brilliant read for me.

Published by Sean Randall

I am an avid reader, technologist and disability advocate living in the middle of England with my wife, daughter and pets.

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