Time Flying: A Time Traveler’s Memoir
Dan Garmen

A brand new love story / thriller from Dan Garmen… Rich Girrard is happily married, a father, relatively well adjusted and owns half of a very successful tech company. Like most people approaching 50 years old, he had a few regrets, things he’d done, things he wished he hadn’t. When Rich finds himself again living his life in the 1970s, fully aware that he’s doing it for the second time, he discovers the process is far more complicated than he first thought, and struggles to change the things in his past he needs to, while trying to remain the man his family will recognize when he returns to them. Dan Garmen’s debut novel Time Flying is a story of time travel, military action and a love story spanning thirty years and two lifetimes.

Time Flying: A Time Traveler's Memoir book cover

An unfulfilling poorly-ended novel, far too full of repetition, basketball, digression and attempted profundity. I don’t have the energy to invest in a sequel. Sorry, dan.

Published by Sean Randall

I am an avid reader, technologist and disability advocate living in the middle of England with my wife, daughter and pets.

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