The Tempest
Susan Wright

When a ferocious plasma storm strikes the entire Bajoran system, Deep Space Nine becomes a port under siege, filled to overflowing with stranded space travelers, unpredictable aliens, and Klingon smugglers. Wof and Odo find themselves tested to the limit as they struggle to control the chaos that has consumed the station. But even greater danger faces Dax and botanist Keiko O’ Brian when they must fly a runabout into the very heart of the storm and encounter a stange new form of life!

The Tempest book cover

This had the feel of an early DS9 story for some reason. Also, quite weird that I should find Keiko in a central place in 2 novels picked at random over the last week or so.c

Published by Sean Randall

I am an avid reader, technologist and disability advocate living in the middle of England with my wife, daughter and pets.

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