The Silence of Six (SOS, #1)
E.C. Myers

“What is the silence of six, and what are you going to do about it?”

These are the last words uttered by 17-year-old Max Stein’s best friend, Evan: Just moments after hacking into the live-streaming Presidential debate at their high school, he kills himself.

Haunted by the image of Evan’s death, Max’s entire world turns upside down as he suddenly finds himself the target of a corporate-government witch-hunt. Fearing for his life and fighting to prove his own innocence, Max goes on the run with no one to trust and too many unanswered questions.

Max must dust off his own hacking skills and maneuver the dangerous labyrinth of underground hacktivist networks, ever-shifting alliances, and virtual identities — all while hoping to find the truth behind the “Silence of Six” before it’s too late.

The Silence of Six (SOS, #1) book cover

Penny put a hand on his shoulder. “It’s gonna be okay.”

Max smiled. It might not be true, but it felt good to hear the words, and even better to not be on his own anymore.

This was really, really cool. Young, perhaps, but with great, Cory Doctorow overtones, a moral yet hacker-based story line and an exceedingly riveting cocktail of technologies. There’s no denying the YA audience, it’s not deep in a way that a teen wouldn’t twig to, but it is powerful in its message, potent in its computing and a call to arms in its battlecry. Highly worth your while, my coming-away thought was a younger pirate cinema with a shade less ambiguity and a touch more good parenting (Max’s dad kicks ass).

Published by Sean Randall

I am an avid reader, technologist and disability advocate living in the middle of England with my wife, daughter and pets.

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