The Shock of the Fall
Nathan Filer

What begins as the story of a lost boy turns into a story of a brave man yearning to understand what happened that night, in the years since, and to his very person.

While on vacation with their parents, Matthew Homes and his older brother snuck out in the middle of the night. Only Matthew came home safely. Ten years later, Matthew tells us, he has found a way to bring his brother back…

Unafraid to look at the shadows of our hearts, Nathan Filer’s rare and brilliant debut shows us the strength that is rooted in resilience and love.

Editor’s Note Feb 10, 2014: St Martin’s Press have just announced that Where The Moon Isn’t will be republished under the UK title, The Shock of the Fall this week in digital format and later this fall in paperback. They said that the title change was necessary “because otherwise there’s a lot of confusion” – The Shock of the Fall recently won the Costa Book of the Year award, which is UK based but has international renown.

The Shock of the Fall book cover

I read this because of interest from a colleague at work and found it a gripping, compelling, and powerful story. As a debut, it’s on par with S.j. Watson, and reds so very british and so mentally tortuous that it’s hard to quantify exactly what about the storytelling kept me interested. The whole work radiated confusion and memory and swept me along in a tidal wave of thoughts not my own and the life of someone else. If I had to sum it up in one word? I think it would be believable.

Published by Sean Randall

I am an avid reader, technologist and disability advocate living in the middle of England with my wife, daughter and pets.

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