The Runner and the Saint (Ivor of Glenbroch, #2)
Dave Duncan

Earl Malcolm has reason to fear the ferocious Northmen raiders of the Western Isles are going to attack the land of Alba, so he sends Ivor on a desperate mission with a chest of silver to buy them off. But the situation Ivor finds when he reaches the Wolf’s Lair is even worse than he was led to expect. Only a miracle can save him now.

The Runner and the Saint (Ivor of Glenbroch, #2) book cover

Wonderfully continued with the aplomb you expect from this master,the prologue alone is enough to make you buy and keep reading. The one comment I do have that’s a bit of a negative is these are highly priced, given their length. This is more a concern nowadays when indi publushing is so big, but Dave is one of those authors who I’d pay any price for.

Published by Sean Randall

I am an avid reader, technologist and disability advocate living in the middle of England with my wife, daughter and pets.

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