The Runner and the Kelpie (Ivor of Glenbroch, #3)
Dave Duncan

When the wyrd-woman warned Ivor he was going to meet a monster, he didn’t believe her. He thought he had worse things to worry about. He was wrong about both.

The Runner and the Kelpie (Ivor of Glenbroch, #3) book cover

Much of the same, which is fine because these aren’t too long. I do enjoy Duncan a great deal, although trying to reflect impartially I think his YA stuff would appeal to a very particular type of young adult. Still, that type is the type I was, and these provide an excellent grounding for his more adult works. Go on. Let my next one be a son. And yes, of course, my daughter will be thrust into Krasnegar just as soon as she can finish a novel by herself.

Published by Sean Randall

I am an avid reader, technologist and disability advocate living in the middle of England with my wife, daughter and pets.

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