The Hit
Melvin Burgess

Take it. Live it. F*** it.

A new drug is out. Everyone is talking about it. The Hit. Take it, and you have one amazing week to live. It’s the ultimate high. At the ultimate price.

Adam is tempted. Life is rubbish, his girlfriend’s over him, his brother’s gone. So what’s he got to lose? Everything, as it turns out. It’s up to his girlfriend, Lizzie, to show him…

The Hit book cover

This book really got it right, somehow. The youth was credible, the city believable, and most of all the tone of the work was actually quite enthralling. It’s a book tackling very big and complex issues and would be well worth introducing in education settings, aside from being a rather fantastic story.

Published by Sean Randall

I am an avid reader, technologist and disability advocate living in the middle of England with my wife, daughter and pets.

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