The Crown of Thorns (The Crown of Thorns #1-2)
Ian C.P. Irvine

Book One of a Two Part The story is concluded in Book Two.
For fans of Dan Brown, John Grisham, and David Baldacci, Crown of Thorns is a fictional thriller which takes place in the field of genetics and human cloning.

Hugely controversial, you will either love this book or hate it. Some will feel challenged and uncomfortable by the topic it deals with, and others will be drawn into it and unable to put it down… the question is, what will you think?

A young student at Oxford University has an idea for his doctor’s thesis (Ph.D.), which fulfils not only the criteria for ‘originality’, but goes far beyond it. For if Jason Dyke is right, his idea will soon change the world and shift the delicate balance of power from one nation to another.

Jason’s idea is In the genetics laboratory at Oxford University, he will clone Jesus Christ.

But when the CIA finds out about his plan, the President of America realises that if the UK succeeds, the balance of power will shift from the USA to Europe. And he realises that that only way to stop this happening is for America to create its very own clone of Jesus Christ.

The race is on…

Genetics is the future. In the coming years, or maybe even months, the single most important scientific development in the history of mankind will be the development of human cloning. This book is based upon a simple idea, which takes the inevitable science of human cloning, one step further.

What makes this book stand out from other novels that deal with a similar concept is the way the author makes the science seem plausible, by explaining simply what genetics is and how cloning works. By leading the reader through the latest advances in cloning techniques until even the impossible seems possible, the reader cannot help but get sucked into the story. Right to the very end the author successfully maintains the thrill of the ride, and manages to keep a surprise up his sleeve…

Whoever reads this book will never forget it. And they will ask….one of two

1: Is it really possible?

2: When will it happen?

Please Crown of Thorns is also available in an omnibus edition containing Book One and Book Two. (See Author’s Page.)

Reviews from Amazon UK Omnibus

Five By B Baynes “Head Bookworm” (Worcestershire, England)
I just happened on this book while browsing through Amazon to find things to download to my Kindle. The premise of the book captured my interest so I duly downloaded it. And, I loved it! The story is utter nonsense, let’s be honest – recreating Jesus Christ through cloning?! But, it is written in such an engaging manner that I found myself drawn in unwittingly. Mid-read, I actually broke my ankle and I found myself begging my family to bring my Kindle to the hospital so I could continue reading the book! I would recommend this highly to any one else, with the proviso that they suspend belief and read it for what it is – a truly interesting and captivating piece of fiction!

Five By Mr. A. Zabinec (Notts, UK)
Browsing the Kindle store for something to ‘unwind’ me, I chanced upon this excellent gem of a book. To my mind, the Author mirrors perfectly the Biblical events of Jesus’ birth 2000 years ago and the subsequent ‘Revelations’ predicted for our time. The Characters are totally believable, able to deduce and thwart the plans of the Americans and British governments and to hide the true Messiah. A well thought out and researched book by the author, I was totally absorbed in it from start to finish. Believers & non believers alike will enjoy this thumping good read!!!

Five Star “Pageturner!” By Ultramum (UK)
Great book … as I said in the title a real page turner … some of the science lost me slightly but it didn’t detract from the reading … I really got involved with the characters and didn’t want to stop reading!

The Crown of Thorns (The Crown of Thorns #1-2) book cover

Though I do want to read on, I found this book impacted me the same way as a title by James Galloway or Wayne Edwarde Clarke. Each of these authors have some quality I can’t define which screams “unpublishable” yet “compelling” at the same time. They’ve also all got a lot of sex or sexual exploitation, and each their own bête noire (I believe Galloway had Foxes, Clarke measurements, and Irvine’s seems to be implausibly convoluted acronyms).

There were a few things that irritated, a King Harry, for instance, and the Belief that the US was better off with Bush Junior than other presidents which seems strange, but then I’m not American. Also a collection of grammatical slipups, sadly par for the course on Kindle, and a few little things that I didn’t bother to note. Still, it kept me reading, for although religion isn’t my scene and I didn’t see any depth to the characters and in fact I regret buying it somewhat, I also wanted to see where it went and, , in spite of myself, want to read more. Weird, much?

Published by Sean Randall

I am an avid reader, technologist and disability advocate living in the middle of England with my wife, daughter and pets.

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