The Authorities™ (The Authorities #1)
Scott Meyer

Sinclair Rutherford is a young Seattle cop with a taste for the finer things. Doing menial tasks and getting hassled by superiors he doesn’t respect are definitely not “finer things.” Good police work and bad luck lead him to crack a case that changes quickly from a career-making break into a high-profile humiliation when footage of his pursuit of the suspect—wildly inappropriate murder weapon in hand—becomes an Internet sensation.

But the very publicity that has made Rutherford a laughing stock in the department lands him what could be the job opportunity of a lifetime: the chance to work with a team of eccentric experts, at the direction of a demanding but distracted billionaire. Together, they must solve the murder of a psychologist who specialized in the treatment of patients who give people “the creeps.”

There is no shortage of suspects.

The Authorities™ (The Authorities #1) book cover

Despite a touch of silliness and a hint of the surreal I found myself rather enjoying this book. It was funny enough to keep my interest and strange enough to retain my “where is it going next?” sense. Though it can’t compete with Off To Be The Wizard, it’s a genre away without losing too much of the fun factor.

Published by Sean Randall

I am an avid reader, technologist and disability advocate living in the middle of England with my wife, daughter and pets.

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