Terminal Mind
David Walton

The Philip K. Dick award-winning SF dystopian novel. Years in the future, the U.S. is a splintered country. The city-state of Philadelphia is ripe for revolution. Mark McGovern, the son of a rich politician, lives in a world of expensive parties and frivolous biological mods, a sharp contrast to the poor underworld of his best friend, Darin Kinsley. When the two accidentally release a sophisticated virus called a ‘slicer’ into the net, Mark must try to stem the tide of casualties before the charged political situation explodes. But the slicer is more than a virus. To destroy it, Mark must first sort truth from lies, not only for himself, but for the mind of the child who holds his fate.

Terminal Mind book cover

This is a hugely exciting novel. It reminded me a little of Ramez Naam, and I found myself keen to read even when it wasn’t quite appropriate. Walton’s no stranger, but I’ve yet to pin him down (each of his other works is so different in tone and style as to seem written by someone totally different). This impressive multi-hatism is marvelous to read and I can guarantee that picking up all of his published novels to date will not bore you.

Published by Sean Randall

I am an avid reader, technologist and disability advocate living in the middle of England with my wife, daughter and pets.

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