Take Two
Stephen Leather

Carolyn Castle is one of the most famous faces in the UK – a soap opera star known to millions. But when she witnesses a gangland killing she has to ask herself if her fame could be the death of her.

The killer is charismatic gangster Warwick Richards. A man more than capable of killing again to protect his secret. But does he know that Carolyn saw him commit murder?

Take Two is a fast-paced full-length crime thriller and at 92,000 words is the equivalent of about 320 pages.

Stephen Leather is one of the UK’s most successful thriller writers. He was a journalist for more than ten years on newspapers such as The Times, the Daily Mail and the South China Morning Post in Hong Kong. Before that, he was employed as a biochemist for ICI, shovelled limestone in a quarry, worked as a baker, a petrol pump attendant, a barman, and worked for the Inland Revenue. He began writing full time in 1992. His bestsellers have been translated into more than ten languages. He has also written for television shows such as London’s Burning, The Knock and the BBC’s Murder in Mind series. Two of his books, The Stretch and The Bombmaker, were made into movies.

Take Two book cover

Interesting, for what I would guess to be a highly accurate view into the innards of a profession rarely seen, but silly and predictable and not exactly a surprise in the least, so the thrill aspect wasn’t there.

Published by Sean Randall

I am an avid reader, technologist and disability advocate living in the middle of England with my wife, daughter and pets.

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