Synchronic: 13 Tales of Time Travel
David Gatewood

Synchronic: 13 Tales of Time Travel introduces 13 varied and original takes on the pitfalls and paradoxes of time travel-from some of today’s most talented voices. From Michael Bunker’s story of a father, a son, and the legendary Santa Anna Gold, to Jason Gurley’s heart-wrenching tale of an astronaut forever torn from his young wife and daughter, these stories will keep you on the edge of your seat, and often have you guessing right up until the final word. You’ll meet a prison therapist who treats his patients by going back and preventing their crimes; a woman who can’t stop reliving her life, no matter how much it hurts; a space marine suffering from a time-altering brain injury; a woman who will betray the man she loves to correct a horrible mistake; a vengeful soul from ages past; and a time cop charged with preserving the timelines of multiple universes. You’ll experience a world where time travel is so common, reality itself hangs by a thread; a love story that overcomes the unforgiving barriers of time; a thrilling encounter with a pack of T-rex; a historian’s efforts to alter Roman history; and the first manned mission to the Red Planet-or is it? So sit back and enjoy. Just be sure you’ve got plenty of time.
Foreword (Synchronic: 13 Tales of Time Travel) • essay by Nick Cole
The Santa Anna Gold / short fiction by Michael Bunker
Corrections / short fiction by Susan Kaye Quinn
Hereafter / short story by Samuel Peralta
Reentry / short fiction by Eric Tozzi
The Swimming Pool of the Universe / short fiction by Nick Cole
The River / short fiction by Jennifer Ellis
A Word in Pompey’s Ear / short fiction by Christopher G. Nuttall
Rock or Shell / novella by Ann Christy
The Mirror / short fiction by Irving Belateche
Reset / short fiction by MeiLin Miranda
The Laurasians / short fiction by Isaac Hooke
The First Cut / short fiction by Edward W. Robinson
The Dark Age / (2014) / short story by Jason Gurley
Afterword (Synchronic: 13 Tales of Time Travel) • essay by David Gatewood

Synchronic: 13 Tales of Time Travel book cover

Another brilliantly put-together collection. I enjoyed all bar one of these stories and found Corrections, Reentry Window, and The River really stood out. I also found the authors commentary and editors introduction very enjoyable and, I think all things considered, it’s one of the most enjoyable short story collectionsI’ve ever had the pleasure of enjoying.

Published by Sean Randall

I am an avid reader, technologist and disability advocate living in the middle of England with my wife, daughter and pets.

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