Season Of The Harvest (Harvest Trilogy, #1)
Michael R. Hicks

What if the genetically modified crops that we’re being forced to depend on for food weren’t really created by man? What if they had a far more sinister purpose?

FBI Special Agent Jack Dawson investigates the gruesome murder of his best friend and fellow agent who had been pursuing a group of eco-terrorists. The group’s leader, Naomi Perrault, is a beautiful geneticist who Jack believes conspired to kill his friend, and is claiming that a major international conglomerate developing genetically engineered crops is plotting a sinister transformation of our world that will lead humanity to extinction. As Jack is drawn into a quietly raging war that suddenly explodes onto the front pages of the news, he discovers that her claims may not be so outrageous after all. Together, the two of them must battle a horror Jack could never have imagined, with the fate of all life on Earth hanging in the balance…

Season Of The Harvest (Harvest Trilogy, #1) book cover

It was last August when I first read, and quite enjoyed, a book by Michael R. Hicks. There was something about his sci-fi that didn’t quite click with me, not in the way some others have, so I was pleasantly surprised to be utterly captivated by this thriller.

There’s still aliens, but there’s also a great pump action feel blasting its way through the pages. Micro-military action, you might say; there’s no real squads or units in primary focus, but they do appear sometimes and even without them the action is explosive enough by itself. As with First Contact, Hicks plays the international stage very well, and with the focus more earthbound and the bullets flying, I am impressed and will certainly buy book two in the series. This one, being the first, was

Published by Sean Randall

I am an avid reader, technologist and disability advocate living in the middle of England with my wife, daughter and pets.

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