Restoration: Immortality Begins
Todd D. Utley

The entire manuscript has been updated with many grammar and format changes as of October 2013. The year is 2056. The world is still recovering from the pandemic of 2027 when a meteor borne virus wiped out half the population. Cloning has been legalized in a desperate attempt to save humanity. Dodge Kerrington, a renowned Electronics Engineer leads his team at Embedded Systems Specialist in a race against their competitors. They must design and perfect memory transfer for the Human Cloning Process. ESS prevails by creating the first successful system that records IHE (individual human experience) as a LifeFile that uploads into the brain of a newly grown clone. ESS launches the system and human immortality is born. Disease Treatment Centers are bankrupt. Hospitals and Clinics convert to LifeCenters, all in the business of providing Restoration services. Funerals are nearly unheard of, only hardcore religious hold outs choose natural death over Restoration. Enter the world of High Tech Industrial Espionage with Dodge Kerrington and his best friend and security expert John Calhoun as they fight for their very lives against criminal master mind Cyrus Slade and his partner, a world renowned hacker known only as “Glitch” who desperately desire to obtain the new technology and the incredible power that comes with it. It’s an all out battle for control of Restoration and the minds of those that created it. In a high tech game of murder, hacking, and unbridled greed, the future of humanity hangs in the balance.

Restoration: Immortality Begins book cover

Unfortunately, the style of writing let this down a little for me. It reminded me in tone of James Galloway or Wayne Edward Clarke, without their precision. The idea was good, but the issues with English was a put-off.

Published by Sean Randall

I am an avid reader, technologist and disability advocate living in the middle of England with my wife, daughter and pets.

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