Relic (The Dean Curse Chronicles, #2)
Steven Whibley

Fourteen-year-old Dean Curse is still having horrifying visions of people in grave danger – visions that leave him a single day to save their lives. So far, he’s considered a few broken bones and a standing appointment in group therapy to be a small sacrifice compared to the good he’s done.

While learning more about the mysterious society that gave him the gift, Dean has a vision that leads him to believe a monk is going to rob a museum—if he’s right, the robbery will go very badly. But he can’t get the police to believe him. In fact, the authorities think Dean is at the root of all the trouble. Dean and his friends decide the only way to save a few lives is to take matters into their own hands, even if it means breaking a few laws. They have 24 hours to decide if the ends really do justify the means

Relic (The Dean Curse Chronicles, #2) book cover

“I drew a breath and stopped listening, continuing to my room. Great! OCD, PTSD, ADHD, just a couple more and I’d have the whole alphabet.”

Great goings on of these intrepid crew. Colin’s fun, but Lisa interjects a little sobriety to things. A solid teen series.

Published by Sean Randall

I am an avid reader, technologist and disability advocate living in the middle of England with my wife, daughter and pets.

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