Noah’s Ark
Andrew J. Morgan

Alex Latham had the perfect existence.
He had a loving family, a beautiful child and a successful career.
Then came the darkness.
When the darkness came, there was nowhere to hide. People ran, but they could not escape. The darkness came and the darkness took them away.
Except for one.
Alex thought that he was all that was left.
He was wrong.

Noah's Ark book cover

It is a uniquely powerful and inspiring piece of technology, and one we have abused to obscene proportions.”

This was a world away from the bog-standard “apocalyptic event happens and let’s see how we survive” motif that’s exploding on to the ebook scene at the moment. It hits you quite viscerally, and because the characters have memories that we learn are so easily adjusted and toyed with, you never feel comfortable, never really knowing who’s thinking what or what they believe.

This is mostly a good thing, although Alex’s persona radically changes in the last fifth of the novel which is perhaps a little hard to swallow given his former attitude. There are also a few typos and proofing errors, but on the whole this is an enjoyable and frankly frightning opus.

Published by Sean Randall

I am an avid reader, technologist and disability advocate living in the middle of England with my wife, daughter and pets.

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