Murder by Other Means (The Dispatcher, #2)
John Scalzi

In the world of the Dispatchers, a natural or accidental death is an endpoint; a murder pushes the do-over button and 99.99{ba150db230079cbbfb17b34eb2fb313f10dd1319d8aee46c92c08114bdec094f} of the time the victim comes back to life. Tony Valdez is a Dispatcher who’s been taking shadier and shadier gigs in financial tough times, and after witnessing a crime gone wrong, he finds people around him permanently dying in a way that implicates him. He has to solve the mystery of these deaths to save the lives of others–and keep himself out of trouble with the law.

Murder by Other Means (The Dispatcher, #2) book cover

I kinda wish we’d had more background on what causes dispatching to work after the first of these, but enjoyed this a lot nonetheless.

Published by Sean Randall

I am an avid reader, technologist and disability advocate living in the middle of England with my wife, daughter and pets.

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