Memory Reborn (Living Memory #3)
David Walton

“Walton has brought hard sci-fi roaring back to life.” —WALL STREET JOURNAL

PAST AND FUTURE CLASH in the final book of the globe-spanning paleontology thriller that began with Living Memory. The threat of extinction by killer organism leads to world war as national powers vie to control the powerful technology uncovered in Thailand. Samira and her team are on the run from the United States, even as a Chinese scientist mirrors their discoveries and resists her own government’s demands. Will the ancient creatures they found turn the tide and save humanity before it tears itself apart?

Memory Reborn (Living Memory #3) book cover

Brilliant to read, although it’s a slight shame that the title of the book gives so much away. I loved every turning point, the end of chapter 10 got me, and the whole story and indeed the series was very much worthwhile.

Published by Sean Randall

I am an avid reader, technologist and disability advocate living in the middle of England with my wife, daughter and pets.

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