Lost in Time
A.G. Riddle

Control the past.

Save the future.

One morning, Dr. Sam Anderson wakes up to find that the woman he loves has been murdered.

For Sam, the horror is only beginning. He and his daughter are accused of the crime. The evidence is ironclad. They will be convicted. And so, to ensure his daughter goes free, Sam does what he must: he confesses. But in the future, murderers aren’t sent to prison. Thanks to a machine Sam helped invent, the world’s worst criminals are now sent to the past – approximately 200 million years into the past, to the dawn of the time of the dinosaurs – where they must live out their lives alone, in exile from the human race. Sam accepts his fate. But his daughter doesn’t. Adeline Anderson has already lost her mother to a deadly, unfair disease. She can’t bear to lose her father as well. So she sets out on a quest to prove him innocent. And to get him back. People around her insist that both are impossible tasks. But Adeline doesn’t give up. She only works harder. She soon learns that impossible tasks are her specialty. And that she is made of tougher stuff than she ever imagined. As she peels back the layers of the mystery that tore her father from this world, Adeline finds more questions than answers. Everyone around her is hiding a secret. But which ones are connected to the murder that exiled her father?

Lost in Time book cover

I found the opening of the book a little confusing, we were thrown at Absolom without much explanation. Despite that, or perhaps because I wasn’t quite clicked, the revelations hit me without me having guessed what was happening. Sam’s prehistoric time didn’t work as I thought it would and much of the “Try but the universe is helping you” motif annoyed me some. Still, from the beginning of part 3 onward, I was intensely hooked, determined to read and keep reading until the mysteries and all around them had been resolved. So in that aspect, the book was excellent, because if you’d suggested doing anything else, I’d have said no thanks!

Published by Sean Randall

I am an avid reader, technologist and disability advocate living in the middle of England with my wife, daughter and pets.

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