Indomitus Vivat: Book Two of the Fovean Chronicles
Robert Brady

King Glennen of Eldador gave me a job to do – avenge his wife’s death – and hey, you know me, I am to please!

So maybe he didn’t say, “Attack the invincible city, sack it and pretty much slap the faces of every important person on Fovea,” but then again I never went to charm school. I kind of do what I do.

But you know what I wish he had said? I wish he’d said, “Lupus, if you do plan to go sack the invincible city, you better make darn sure you have a way out of there, because the Uman-Chi are the most powerful Wizards on the planet, and every other nation is a friend to them.”

Yeah, that would have been pretty good advice.

These are the continuing adventures of Randy Morden, a man from our world thrust into another where magic is real and technology sounds pretty far-fetched. As the chosen of a god named ‘War,’ Randy has a mission to fulfill a destiny that he doesn’t understand and, incidentally, to keep himself and his family alive while doing it.

In Indomitus Vivat, the stakes are raised as War drives Randy to greater stakes and greater consequences, and pathway that could lead to empire, or straight to hell!

Indomitus Vivat: Book Two of the Fovean Chronicles book cover

Though know Kvothe, Morden is an interesting character. There’s a little trampling of locale, but the theme overall is of a displaced person from our world sent to work on behalf of a war-like God and it’s handled pretty well. I don’t know where it’s going, but there are at least 2 more books in the series!

Published by Sean Randall

I am an avid reader, technologist and disability advocate living in the middle of England with my wife, daughter and pets.

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