
Snape died alone at the Battle of Hogwarts. Harry may have defeated the Dark Lord at Hogwarts, but the piece of Voldemort’s soul in his scar remained. Six years later, Harry and Hermione are mysteriously sent back in time after a friend betrayed them. Will they correct their mistakes and defeat Voldemort once and for all? HP/HG. DarkGrey!HHr, GreaterGood!AD, Ron!Bash, Good Ginny

Hindsight book cover

So, ehh …

Subjectively this was very poor. Dumbledore was not even a 2d character, the Super Harry thing was done shamelessly, the sex was not depicted strongly but omnipresent and almost every thread was predictable.

However, this is whatFanfic in this universe was when I was reading it every day 2 decades ago. teeny. riddled with obviousness and all that entails. So I stuck with it because it made me wonder just what about this sort of work I’d enjoyed. I haven’t got any answers, but strangely I don’t begrudge the7 hours or so of reding time it took me either.

Published by Sean Randall

I am an avid reader, technologist and disability advocate living in the middle of England with my wife, daughter and pets.

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