Firefight (The Reckoners, #2)
Brandon Sanderson

Babylon Restored, formerly Manhattan, may give David answers. Ruled by the mysterious High Epic, Regalia, David is sure Babylon Restored will lead him to what he needs to find. And while entering another city oppressed by a High Epic despot is a gamble, David’s willing to risk it. Because killing Steelheart left a hole in David’s heart. A hole where his thirst for vengeance once lived. Somehow, he filled that hole with another Epic—Firefight. And he’s willing to go on a quest darker, and more dangerous even, than the fight against Steelheart to find her, and to get his answers.

Firefight (The Reckoners, #2) book cover

I love Sanderson’s writing, and he’s really got a younger voice distilled to a superb art now. David’s tone, language, and puns are right on target, even when they’re so totally bonkers. There was a point where I wondered just how credible his sense of weaknesses really was, but that was utterly swept away in the thrill of the plot and the action. I think this is probably Sanderson’s best young adult work yet, and that’s really saying something because his others have all been wonderful, too. I suppose there’s no other word for this book, though. It’s … Epic.

Published by Sean Randall

I am an avid reader, technologist and disability advocate living in the middle of England with my wife, daughter and pets.

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