Enterprise Logs (Star Trek)
Carol Greenburg

In the annals of adventure and exploration, there are few names to rival that of the USS Enterprise.
Edited by Carol Creenburg with stories by Diane Carey, Peter David, Michael Jan Friedman, Robert J. Greenburger, John Vornholt and more, THE ENTERPRISE LOGS celebrates the proud history of the many ships which have borne the name of Enterprise and the valiant captains who have steered them through danger to glory.
From the original real-life USS Enterprise – a fighting sloop which fought in the American Revolution – to the state-of-the-art starship commanded by Jean-Luc Picard, this stirring anthology captures some of the most thrilling moments in the careers of the ten captains – Kirk, Pike, Decker and Garrett amongst them – who have been privileged to command a legend.

Enterprise Logs (Star Trek) book cover

This was a fascinating little collection of stories. I had no clear favourite, though Peter David’s style is unmistakable and familiar. The stories by Diane Duane and A. C. Crispin were particularly good and it’s welcoming to keep a toe in the trek universe every now and then.

Published by Sean Randall

I am an avid reader, technologist and disability advocate living in the middle of England with my wife, daughter and pets.

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