Jason Bradbury

From the Back Cover:

“Congratulations, Jackson. Welcome to MeX”

Dot.com Billionaire Devlin Lear, founder of the top-secret defence force MeX, has been watching Jackson Farley. He knows he has found a digital genius.

Along with three other brilliant gamers from different corners of the world, Lear wants Jackson to join him and stop the criminal heist of the century — using the most highly advanced, state-of-the-art robots ever invented.

Can Jackson and the MeX recruits live up to Lear’s expections? And how do they know who to trust when they can never meet face-to-face…?

Dot.Robot book cover

This is a brilliant debut for kids, a rather tremendous take on the whole superhero teen genre. I think the seventh chapter was my favourite, and it’s the sort of book I’d have been raving and enthusing about for weeks had I discovered it in my younger years. The next generations Artemis Fowl or Alex Rider for a cert.

Published by Sean Randall

I am an avid reader, technologist and disability advocate living in the middle of England with my wife, daughter and pets.

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