Death Glitch
Ken Douglas

Heart surgeon Isadora Eisenhower is seventy-seven and dying of cancer when she is shot dead. She wakes in the morgue with the body of an eighteen year old. Something brought her back to life, made her young again and some very bad people want to find out how it happened. However, being poked and prodded and having her new life sucked out of her in the name of science and so a few wealthy people can have eternal life doesn’t sit too well with Dr. Eisenhower, so to save herself, she goes on the run. But the men behind her pursuit are powerful and bring the forces of Homeland Security and the FBI after her and it seems no matter where she runs, they’re a jump ahead of her and soon she’ll have no place to hide.

Death Glitch book cover

A bit of a headlong title with a few minor spelling and proofing issues, this at least kept my interest. The ending wasn’t exactly shattering but it’s certainly one way to add to a writing career.

Published by Sean Randall

I am an avid reader, technologist and disability advocate living in the middle of England with my wife, daughter and pets.

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