Black Hand Gang (No Man’s World, #1)
Pat Kelleher

On November 1st 1916, 900 men of the 13th Battalion of the Pennine Fusiliers vanish without trace from the battlefield only to find themselves on an alien planet. There they must learn to survive in a hostile environment, while facing a sinister threat from within their own ranks and a confrontation with an inscrutable alien race!

Black Hand Gang  (No Man's World, #1) book cover

This was a wonderful read, capturing well the atmosphere of the trenches as well as cleverly showing an alien world. I loved the dramatic end of the first chapter, the sudden, unexpected, heartstopping battle in the shell-hole in the second, and the wonderful tension of the seventeenth and eighteenth. superb storytelling.

Published by Sean Randall

I am an avid reader, technologist and disability advocate living in the middle of England with my wife, daughter and pets.

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