Jed Mercurio

A truly stunning novel — spare, powerful and ultimately awesome — Ascent will propel Jed Mercurio into the first rank of British novelists.

Yefgenil Yeremin is a flyer and he is a phantom.

In the Korean War he shoots down more American jets than any other pilot in history. He becomes the legendary ace dubbed “Ivan the Terrible.” But the Soviet Union’s involvement in Korea must be kept secret, so his name remains unknown, his victories uncelebrated.

Ascent book cover

This captured well the perceived coldness of the Russian side of the space race and had some heartfelt moments. It’s a difficult book to quantify, but I found it enjoyable and interesting.

Published by Sean Randall

I am an avid reader, technologist and disability advocate living in the middle of England with my wife, daughter and pets.

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