Peter Cawdron

ANOMALY examines the prospect of an alien intelligence discovering life on Earth. The technological gulf between humanity and the alien species is measured in terms of millions of years. The only way to communicate is using science, but not everyone is so patient. Humanity’s first contact with an alien intelligence is far more radical than anyone has ever dared imagine. With a technological gap of millions of years, mankind is barely able to recognize the arrival of an alien spacecraft outside the gates of the United Nations in New York.

FIRST CONTACT is a series of stand-alone novels that explore the concept of humanity’s First Contact with extraterrestrial life.

Like BLACK MIRROR or THE TWILIGHT ZONE, the FIRST CONTACT series is based on a common theme rather than common characters. These books can be read in any order. Technically, they’re all first as they all deal with how we might initially respond to contact with aliens from the perspective of science, society, politics and religion.

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Anomaly book cover

Wow. This was a brilliant work, I wolfed it down in a single sitting. It took religious strife to the level of Graham Storrs, had aliens written with an atmosphere of Joe Haldeman but, when taken as a whole sends, I think, a single clear message. The distillation of hard science into an easily digested and understood form, the extraordinarily Human characters, the very real people put on the spot in interesting ways and the aliens themselves shouts to me Hello, Robert J Sawyer, you’ve got competition.

Some people reviewed it and didn’t like the ending, which is most ironic to me as I didn’t like the ending of the first work of Cawdron’s I read earlier this month. But this one nailed it, I submit, and did it very well indeed.

Published by Sean Randall

I am an avid reader, technologist and disability advocate living in the middle of England with my wife, daughter and pets.

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