Alone (The Girl in the Box, #1)
Robert J. Crane

Sienna Nealon was a 17 year-old girl who had been held prisoner in her own house by her mother for twelve years. Then one day her mother vanished, and Sienna woke up to find two strange men in her home. On the run, unsure of who to turn to and discovering she possesses mysterious powers, Sienna finds herself pursued by a shadowy agency known as the Directorate and hunted by a vicious, bloodthirsty psychopath named Wolfe, each of which is determined to capture her for their own purposes…

Alone (The Girl in the Box, #1) book cover

If you suspend your disbelief enough you will enjoy this. The writing was very light in tone, very in character which appealed tremendously, but I think shadowy organisations pulling the strings have had their day. Still, start of something and written well.

Published by Sean Randall

I am an avid reader, technologist and disability advocate living in the middle of England with my wife, daughter and pets.

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