Advent (Advent Trilogy #1)
James Treadwell

For centuries it has been locked away Lost beneath the sea Warded from earth, air, water, fire, spirits, thought and sight. But now magic is rising to the world once more. And a boy called Gavin, who thinks only that he is a city kid with parents who hate him, and knows only that he sees things no one else will believe, is boarding a train, alone, to Cornwall. No one will be there to meet him.

Advent (Advent Trilogy #1) book cover

Hard to describe this one, because I came out confused. Linguistically, it was beautiful, with a rich context both historical and mythological and a captivating, almost mournful type of writing that glues you to the page. There’s something just over my head about everything though, a fractured, almost disconnected feeling to my read. I can’t justify paying RRP for the next volume but would like to think, if it comes down, I’d get it, if only to see what happens next and clarify a few things in my own head.

Published by Sean Randall

I am an avid reader, technologist and disability advocate living in the middle of England with my wife, daughter and pets.

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