Aberystwyth Mon Amour (Aberystwyth Noir, #1)
Malcolm Pryce

Schoolboys are disappearing all over Aberystwyth and nobody knows why. Louie Knight, the town’s private investigator, soon realizes that it is going to take more than a double ripple from Sospan, the philosopher cum ice-cream seller, to help find out what is happening to these boys and whether or not Lovespoon, the Welsh teacher, Grand Wizard of the Druids and controller of the town, is more than just a sinister bully. And just who was Gwenno Guevara?

Aberystwyth Mon Amour (Aberystwyth Noir, #1) book cover

There aren’t a great deal of Welsh books that I can claim to have read. Experiment with Destiny had a certain CymraigCymrageness about it, and of course ironbark was very potent. This perhaps engaged me less because it’s not my neck of the valleys. Price is a talented writer though, and that comes through, I found the plot followable and the the Aber history interesting.

Published by Sean Randall

I am an avid reader, technologist and disability advocate living in the middle of England with my wife, daughter and pets.

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